Pricefy Chrome App

To use the Pricefy Chrome App please follow these steps:

1 - Download/Install the Chrome App from this page

2 - Open your competitor's product page and click on the Pricefy Chrome App icon

3 - If is the first time you use the app please login into your Pricefy account

4 - Open your competitor's product page and click on "Analyze Now"

5 - Once the product page has been analyzed you will be able to add to the profile the information Pricefy will extract. To do that, click on the link "Select Info" and then click on the information you need to add to the extraction profile.

6 - Once all the data you need have been filled (please remember that the only mandatory data is the price) just press "Add" and you will be redirected to your Pricefy app account where you can start adding the competitor's urls you need to monitor by clicking "Go to Monitored URLs".

7 - Click on "Add monitored URL", select the product you want to compare with your competitor and then add your competitor product's URL in the right field.

Done, Pricefy will monitor your competitor URL for you, several times per day.